Christopher D. Hansen, M.Ed.
Students can achieve amazing things; this most definitely includes exceptional students with special needs. I believe all students can achieve the highest possible learning outcomes if given the appropriate environment to thrive, and that supports best practices for inclusion.
It does not matter the social or economic background of the student or family, I believe this to be true of all students, they each deserve to learn and be taught with challenging expectations. This includes special education students. It is my philosophy that every student is capable of the highest possible learning outcomes within their potential, if given the platform and opportunity to learn among their peers, and not in isolation. When this is realized, they can achieve their potential and experience a quality-of-life potential that respects their dignity, culture, language, and background. (Counsel for Exceptional Children, 2015)
The true purpose of school and special educational services is not a “one size fits all” approach, but rather to formulate an individual program to meet the educational needs of a particular student. Special education is a range of services that are developed to address the individual needs of students with disabilities. It is developing the meaningful participation of services that include students in general education classrooms, as appropriate.
The role of the teacher in special education is to promote the inclusion of students into general education classrooms, and community events. The teacher needs to bring others together who are providing services to exceptional students. This fosters and develops relationships with families that are filled with mutual respect, and they seek out the family’s participation in their child’s IEP, and see its goals fulfilled for their child. My goal is for them to make real-world connections for themselves. As their teacher, I advocate for resources and conditions that improve educational and life skill outcomes, so that the quality of life for each student can improve. The best way to achieve student learning is to integrate methods that create a focus on real-world learning that is integrated into the general education classroom. Scaffolding the student's learning, helps them see each part in small segments. The focus is to create a learning environment that is authentic and engages students in ways that are meaningful to them.
Counsel for Exceptional Children, (2015) What Every Special Educator Must Know: Professional Ethics and Standards, Arlington VA
Teaching is my passion, I thoroughly enjoy watching students gain a love of learning while I reach them with interesting and meaningful lessons. Throughout my career, I have continued to refine my skills as an educator. Today, I am confident I can have notable success with students in different venues, both special education and general education. I am committed to bringing my excellent teaching skills and experiences to any educational setting, either special education or general education, in-person or virtual.
As a classroom facilitator, I actively engage students with proven methods that get them involved in their own learning. I use individual IEP goals to get students actively involved in the learning process using technology, when appropriate. Their IEP goals are used to make real-world connections so that their learning is personalized.